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beautiful disaster is mine

missed one?
crazy in love. ha. - 01.24.2004
holiday wrap-up - 01.06.2004
WOW! - 12.16.2003
jeanettes letters - 11.06.2003
i kissed a girl and i may do it again - 11.05.2003

since 11.23.01

(8:44 am - 01.19.2003 - i never want to die - i feel )

man, something horrific happened last nite at work. this one guy i work with, mike, is totally sweet. he's 40-something. well, last nite while we were unloading the pallets, we (mike, marilyn, jeff and i) were talking and goofing around. we were talking about charlie, cause he was doing everything -but- what he should have been, well, charlie started to walk in the back, and jeff turns to mike and says "where's he going now?", and i started to laugh and looked over at mike, who was standing to me right, and he was just standing there, this orange foam dripping out of his mouth. at first, i just thought he was throwing up, so i covered my mouth, cause i'm one of those people that if i see someone throw up, i throw up. well then, mikes eyes rolled completely back into his head. and he was just standing there. it was the scariest thing i've ever seen. tears immediately started to well up in my eyes, thinking he was going to die. ed called 911, but by the time they got there, he was fine. it only lasted about 5 minutes, but still. i don't know exactly what happened to him. and they said that it's happened before! it almost looked like he was possessed. ed said it might have been a mini-stroke or something along those lines. but god, i was scared.

and i don't know how things like that don't affect men!!!!! marilyn and i were freaking out, sick to our stomachs, and the men, just went along with their business. mike didn't even go home!!!! hello!!!! you almost died, and you're not going to go home? i don't know if it's because men aren't as emotional as women, or what, but damn.

now, i can't stop thinking about this. it keeps on replaying, over and over in my mind, in slow motion. god, i never want to die. i've never actually been scared of dying before, but, damn, things change fast! i'm way too freaked out to write anything else at the moment.


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if you really loved me, you'd buy me presents

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