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beautiful disaster is mine

missed one?
crazy in love. ha. - 01.24.2004
holiday wrap-up - 01.06.2004
WOW! - 12.16.2003
jeanettes letters - 11.06.2003
i kissed a girl and i may do it again - 11.05.2003

since 11.23.01

(6:50 am - 10.17.2001 - halloween mall scare from a forward - i feel )

so if you have friends that pass along forwards like nobody's business, i'm sure you received something like the following.....

hi all-

i think you all know that i don't send out hoaxes and don't do the reactionary thing and send out anything that crosses my path. this one, however, is a friend of a friend and i've given it enough credibility in my mind that i'm writing it up and sending it out to all of you. my friend's friend was dating a guy from afghanistan up until a month ago. she had a date with him around 9/6 and was stood up. she was understandably upset and went to his home to find it completely emptied. on 9/10, she received a letter from her boyfriend explaining that he wished he could tell her why he had left and that he was sorry it had to be like that. the part worth mentioning is that he -begged- her not to get on any commercial airlines on 9/11 and to not to go any malls on halloween. as soon as everything happened on the 11th, she called the fbi and has since turned over the letter. this is not an email that i've received and decided to pass on. this came from a phone conversation with a long-time friend of mine last night. i may be wrong, and i hope i am. however, with one of his warnings being correct and devastating, i'm not willing to take the chance on the second and wanted to make sure that people i cared about had the same information that i did.

laura katsis implementation specialist 714/921-5424 [email protected] [email protected]

well, as most of you know, i hate the mall. i think i need to take a trip out there on halloween, i mean, there will be nothing else better to do. i'm sure the terrorists will choose the monroeville mall to blow up as well. it'll be easier this way, so if you don't hear from me after halloween, well then, you'll know what happened...

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if you really loved me, you'd buy me presents

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